Friday, April 4, 2008

Calorie shifting

Calorie shifting mainly involves tricking and confusing the body, in such a way that it keeps your metabolism working fast. The problem with low-calorie diets is that they often result in the body going into the starvation mode, in which case it starts storing calories instead of burning them at a faster rate. So, instead of helping you lose weight, such diets make your metabolism slow and end up making you fatter. Calorie shifting diet involves the consumption of varying amounts of calories each day. If you eat 1200 calories on Monday, you will go up to 1500 calories on Tuesday and by the time Wednesday comes, you will drop down to only 1000 calories a day. As you change the amount of calories consumed, the body gets into a state of confusion. It knows that you are not starving, since you increase the calorie intake the next day. The result is that the body adjusts to the diet and keeps your metabolism at a high rate only, even when you eat low amount of calories on a particular day. The days when you reduce your calorie-intake to a very low level are the ones in which you lose most of the weight.

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